We live in a society driven by fear, to the point where it permeates through our actions. We allow our fear of the ‘unknown’, the ‘other’, to keep us from forming a sense of empathy, to forming greater understandings of the human condition. Fear mongering is a powerful political tool, preying upon our instinct to protect ourselves in order to persuade. In the past year, we have witnessed the development of a platform that actively disarms the rights of women, minority groups, LGBTQI individuals, and immigrants. A platform that thrives off of perceived threat. The only true threat to our society is the inability to accept. We may all be different, but we connect through human experiences that transcend borders, gender, race, and faith. The compassionate individual seeks to empathize, while the fearful individual seeks to judge.
Published Monday, October 16, 2017 by FUSE MAGAZINE ONLINE
106 pages