FUSE Magazine is evolving as our foundation strengthens. Combining various forms of art, like photography and now talented writers, FUSE showcases and celebrates women. Through a narrow lens, one might see “sexy” while another sees “classic.” Each photograph entices a different feeling and that is what makes FUSE unique. Along with photography, writers add life to the magazine sharing intimate experiences – whether it be fiction or nonfiction—this form of art adds detail richening the content as an entity. Our dedicated viewers do not go unnoticed. Signing up as a patron gives you VIP access to the magazine before it releases. For further details, please check out how to become a patron. We are excited as the magazine continues to expand as we stick to our core values—the celebration of beautiful, sexy women from all ends of the spectrum. Thank you, XOXO Samantha Weiss
Published Wednesday, August 2, 2017 by FUSE MAGAZINE ONLINE
128 pages