Issue 35 feat. Cover Model PRETTY MESHA. SO BE IT MAGAZINE is the Delivery of Entertainment. SO BE IT brings to you the hottest radio and club DJ's across the map We look to highlight the upcoming entertainment moguls and entreprenuers by bringing their blueprint of thoughts and success to you. We also bring to you the hottest music artist in the industry today that is definitely on a blazing matriculation in the entertainment industry. Our most popular recognition comes from the featuring of the most beautiful, sexy, and intelligent models in the world. Not only is there a section dedicated to the heavenly bodies, but there is always a chosen beauty that we illuminate by discussing, getting personal and getting intimate with her thoughts and perception of the modeling genre in the entertainment industry. SO BE IT is focused on social networking and building a digital bridge throughout the world of entertainment. Follow us on twitter and instagram @SOBEITMAGAZINE
Published Wednesday, July 26, 2017 by SO BE IT ENTERAINMENT
46 pages