Alwayz Therro - Big Bee - April 2017 - Issue 81
We asked Big Bee.... What keeps a business in your opinion successful? Being able to evolve throughout the times is highly important to any successful business. Trends and people change on a daily basis and you don't necessarily have to like every new trend that comes out in your line of business market but you have to at least be aware of what's going on around and what people might like and ask you about. People like working with people that are knowledgeable of the world around them even if they don't agree with everything that's happening so you have to be in the know at all times. If people are painting there cars all hot pink or lavender again even if you don't like it if it's trendy and people are doing it a consumer or customer wants to feel you are in touch with what's going on in the industry and the crazy thing is they might not even like the trend they just want to make sure you are aware of what's going on I know it's weird lol but u just can't be out of touch of your people.
Published Monday, April 10, 2017 by Alwayz Therro
30 pages