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VOLOGLAM 1504 - July 2015
Welcome to VOLOGLAM Issue 1504. We are blessed to feature another stunning woman on the cover in this issue! Kaitlynn Anderson from Las Vegas. We know that many of you will have strong feelings about the cover image of this issue. Those feelings could be positive or negative...But as long as you feel strongly about the cover - we have achieved our objective. There was a huge internal debate on selecting the cover for this issue and every female member of the team voted for the cover you see here, since female outnumber males in the VOLO team by a ratio of 3 to 1, it was also the majority vote by default. We spent a lot of time on the layout of this issue, we would love your feedback on that. Gorgeous layouts make great content even better and we at VOLO Magazine want to create layouts that will be better than the best out there...While producing a magazine that will always keep you guessing and waiting for the next issue..
Published Wednesday, July 01, 2015 by VOLO Magazine
100 pages